Hypatia Mars is a female-led organization composed of a multidisciplinary, intergenerational team from Catalonia and Spain. Each member has a unique personal story, a remarkable academic background, and a deep passion for space and the exploration of Mars
Hypatia I
‘Hypatia I’ is the first all-female crew at the national level to be selected for a space simulation mission at the Mars Desert Research Station (MDRS) in the United States. Selected through a competitive process by the Mars Society, ‘Hypatia I’ became the 280th crew to travel to the Martian analog station from April 16th to 29th, 2023.
Hypatia II
Following the success of the first mission, the ‘Hypatia II’ crew embarks on an exciting new journey to Mars. Selected through a competitive process initiated by the Hypatia Mars Association, the second team will undertake a simulation mission at the analog station MDRS from February 2nd to 15th, 2025.
The Hypatia Mars Association is supported by a talented group of women spanning the fields of project management, law, education, and science communication. These orbiting figures share the organization’s values and collaborate with crews on various initiatives.