Cristina Lázaro Martí

Legal Advisor

LL.B in Law, LL.M. in Legal Practice and LL.M. in Tax Consultancy and Management. Specialized in non-profit organizations, Data protection and Compliance. Head of Legal Department at Fundació Catalunya La Pedrera.

Cristina Lázaro Marti is the Head of Legal Department at the Fundació Catalunya La Pedrera. She currently focuses her practice on advising non-profit organizations and their group companies on a wide range of legal matters, as well as on data protection and compliance. Prior to joining the Foundation, she also interned and worked in tax and corporate law firms with recognised professional teams.

She completed a Law Degree and a LLM in Tax Consultancy and Management, also in Legal Practice, at ESADE University in Barcelona. In 2019, she completed at the same University the Vicens Vives Programme about Values, Commitment and Leadership to develop a comprehensive training that combines knowledge and appreciation about social, political and cultural context with the capacity to manage organizations.

In parallel and in her spare time, she acts as the Legal Counsel of Hypatia providing legal advice and guidance on matters of law.