Executive Officer & Artist in Residence
B.Sc. in Mathematics and Computer Science. Data Analyst at Scopely. She served as Back-up Scientist & Artist in Residence of ‘Hypatia I’
Anna Bach Valls has B.Sc. in Mathematics and Computer Science from the University of Barcelona. She currently works as a Product Analyst at the American multinational Scopely, a video game company with its European headquarters in Barcelona. In this role, she helps product understand users through data, with predictions about future behaviours using machine learning techniques and prepare and interpret A/B test results using statistical methods. Anna also draws comics trips on a regular basis that she posts on her Annet Planet Instagram page (@annetplanetcomics), currently with 44,000 followers. The comics are starring a young girl who works in an office, and aims to visualize the role of women in the workplace, always from a positive point of view and with a certain STEM component.